Please read our Sales Policy page by clicking here before requesting a reservation or purchase.
Discounts need proof of DHIR / LA
$150 discount for buyer currently doing DHIR and Linear Appraisal (both)
$75 discount for buyer doing DHIR
$50 discount for buyer doing Linear Appraisal
$50 discount for bottle baby less than 2 weeks old (buyer tattoos & disbuds if not already done)
Schedule for 2024-2025
We reserved the right to retain any kid!
All wethers are available for $100 each, must be reserved prior to birth and will ONLY be sold as bottle babies (we don’t have enough room to keep them until weaning). Any kids available (Registered buck kids are only available from our top does) may be reserved prior to kidding with no deposit required by contacting us by email only at Name, address and phone number must be given to reserve any kid. All prices are subject to and most likely will increase after kidding unless reserved and a deposit is received within 1 week of the reserved kid's birth date.
(bt = blood test and us = ultrasound)
+ means buck kids will be available from these does
* means buck kids may be available from these does
Sire: Hobbycroft JJ Secretariat *B *S
*Hobbycroft SmellLikeTeenSpirit 2*M 2*D - kidded March 10th 2025 - triplets 2 bucks/1 doe (cream color w/blue eyes) $900 - planned pedigree
Hobbycroft M Galaxia - Due March 22nd 2025 - $500 - planned pedigree
Hobbycroft FN Miss Behavin - Due March 13th 2025 - $700 - planned pedigree
Other non-specific reservations :