Kidding Season
Our first doe (Sandi) is due in Feb but she is the only one due that early. Full kidding starts in March and will continue through April and possibly into early May. We have confirmed a lot of does pregnant and will be confirming the rest next week. Pretty sure we may have a few older does open but when I consider that is a few less to milk, I’m not terribly upset LOL!
SG Hobbycroft E KitKat *M *D (Top Ten 2017)
Blood test results are back!
Just recently sent our annual bloods test in and it is always great to get back all negative results. Everyone over 6 months was tested for CAE and Johnes and the 4 yearling in with the buck were tested for pregnancy and 3 of the 4 were confirmed pregnant.
2019 Show Schedule
Tentative show schedule for 2019 is as follows:
May 24-26 - Banks of the Wabash Classic @ Cayuga, IN
June 7-9 - Illini Interstate Showdown @ Bloomington, IL
July 31 - Aug 2 - Effingham County Fair @ Altamont, IL
Sue Rucker JUJU Nominations
We are getting ready to send in the ANDDA nominations from our herds for the Sue Rucker JUJU Awards and Hobbycroft and WitchWind have SEVEN does that qualify! One that even qualifies for the GOLD Award (go KitKat)! Also three that qualify for the Silver Award (Ginger, Honey, and Snazzy) and three that qualify for the Bronze Award (Pumpkin, Coco, and Devo). Five (KitKat, Ginger, Honey, Snazzy, Coco) are all Lost Valley C Egypt +*B +*S daughters, so he again (2 years in a row) qualifies for the Sire Award. We could not be more blessed!
2018 Show schedule
Well our tentative show schedule for next year is as follows.
May 26 & 27, 2018 - Banks of the Wabash Classic, Cayuga, IN (2 rings)
July 7 & 8, 2018 - Illini Interstate Showdown, Bloomington, IL (6 rings)
Sept 22 & 23, 2018 - Hoosier Rutfest and Kidding Around Classic, Washington, IN (2 rings)
Introducing Ashley's new herd name, WitchWind!
Ashley now has her own herd name and this guy will be her first registered kid with the WitchWind name. This is WitchWind FB Prasutagus who is sired by Hobbycroft AP Face of Boe (Lost Valley LG American Patrol x GCH / ARMCH Fairlea Bonnie 3*M *D) and out of Hobbycroft E KitKat *M *D (Lost Valley C Egypt +B +*S x Hobbycroft Licorice Twist).
2017 Show plans
We have a couple of shows that we are definitely planning on going to in 2017.
1st one will be May 27th / 28th at the Banks of the Wabash Classic in Cayuga, IN (2 rings)
2nd one will be June 24th / 25th at the Illini Interstate Showdown sponsored by the Illinois Dairy Goat Association Club in Bloomington, IL (4 rings)
A 3rd show we will possibly be attending August 13th is the Land of Lincoln Nigerian Dwarf Goat Club Midwest Shootout in Jerseryville, Il
We would also love to attend the ADGA National Show in WI and the NAILE show in KY but not sure if those will a possibility right now.
Unplanned pregnancy
Well Snazzy must have had a secret meeting with Gimli when he was jumping out as the test results are 'Pregnant'! We're guessing that the babies will be here sometime in November.
Championship legs
We are so excited! Snazzy (Hobbycroft Snazzy Jazzy) only needs one more leg to complete her permanent championship with ADGA! And we are also pretty sure she will receive her *M on her butterfat (she is at 23.00 # now and for her age only needs 22.14 #. This picture doesn't begin to show off her beautiful topline and long wide rump. She is a dream to milk and milks down to nothing. Her sire is Lost Valley C Egypt and her dam is Hobbycroft Jazzy Graphics who has LA'd 2 years in a row (different appraisers) with FS 90 (EEEV). Snazzy LA'd this year as a 3 year old second freshener with FS 86 (V+EV). She measured 20 3/4" during LA. We are looking forward to seeing what the future holds for this lovely doe!
Kids and more kids everywhere!
Our 2016 kids are mostly all here! We only have 2 more does to kid this spring. Doe kids are slightly outnumbering the bucks for the first time ever for us so we will have many for sale. Our first DHIR milk test is set for May 18th and we can hardly wait to see how our girls do!
Fat Girls
The older does are really getting heavy with kid. They are huge and they all still have approximately a month to go.
Olson Acres Lamb Chop
Lambie is our oldest doe. She is quite a character. As our herd queen, she doesn't take any foolishness from anyone. She is also one of the most motherly does we have. The picture below is from November of 2014 with her single doe kid Ginger.
She also likes to smile!