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GCH/ARMCH Fairlea Bonnie 3*M 3*D (aka Pumpkin) Deceased

2017 Bronze JuJU Award

2018 Bronze JuJU Award

Pumpkin was born May 3 2009 and is gold with frosted ears and white on forehead, tail, and both flanks.  She was one of our favorite milker because she milks out clean and her udder is as soft as an old glove. She had a good rear udder with medial suspension and we would have liked to see a better fore and more angulation.  She was a quiet doe in the herd and loved to be scratched on and petted by people.  She was our first ever permanent champion, however one thing she absolutely HATED was to be shown.  Since she had her permanent championship with both ADGA and AGS, she was retired from the show ring and lived life pretty much as she wished.  She retired from kidding in 2019 and passed on Feb 25th 2021.


Sire: Fairlea Cyrano De Bergerac *B

  • SS: Rosasharn TL Ugene *B

  • SD: ARMCH AGS Fairlea Fleur 3*M

Dam: AGS Fairlea Tosca 2*M 2*D

  • DS: MCH AGS Twin Creeks BW Giacomo Puccini +B *S

  • DD: ARMCH AGS Fairlea Heidi *M *D

Official heights

2016:  LA 6/16/2016 - 20.25"; AGS DHIR 9/15/2016 - 19.5"; ADGA VT 11/17/2016 - 20"

2017:  DHIR VT 9/7/2017 - 20.5"

Linear Appraisal

6/13/2015 - 06-01  90 VEEE - permanent score

6/16/2016 - 07-01  89 VEEV 

Show Wins

Sep 2013 - AGS Reserve Champion at the 2013 Goat Expo, Bloomington, Illinois, Juli Huffman, Judge

Sep 2014 - AGS/ADGA Reserve Senior Champion at the Fall Frenzy Show at Charleston, Illinois, Matt Casselman, Judge

Sep 2014 - AGS/ADGA Senior Champion at the Fall Frenzy Show at Charleston, Illinois, Carolyn Kirwin, Judge

Sep 2014 - AGS/ADGA Senior Champion at the Goat Expo, Bloomington, Illinois, Julie Huffman, Judge

Sep 2014 - AGS/ADGA Senior Champion at the Goat Expo, Bloomington, Illinois, Jennifer Lohman Peterson, Judge

Sep 2014 - ADGA Reserve Senior Champion at the Goat Expo, Bloomington, Illinois, Tom Considine, Judge

Sep 2014 - AGS/ADGA Reserve Senior Champion at the Goat Expo, Bloomington, Illinois, Yvonne Blosser, Judge

Sep 2014 - AGS/ADGA Reserve Senior Champion at the Goat Expo, Bloomington, Illinois, Richard Grossman, Judge

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DHIR Records

2016 - 6yr11mo; DIM 183; Milk 498; BF 36 (7.2%); protein 21 (4.2%) - lactation cut short due to accidental breeding

2017 - 7yr7mo; DIM 239; Milk 595; BF 43 (7.2%); protein 26 (4.4%) - Bronze JUJU Award

2018 - 8yr10mo; DIM 240; Milk 628; BF 44 (7.0%); protein 26 (4.1%) - Bronze JUJU Award

Kidding History

?/?/2011 - ?? Can remember and nothing was registered-all DOA

3/25/2012 - 1 doe and 1 buck - bred to Fairlea Jean-Luc - registered offspring Hobbycroft Bella Sera (never grew well) all sold

3/01/2013 - 1 doe and 4 bucks - bred to Fairlea Jean-Luc - registered offspring Hobbycroft B'Dazzled (never able to carry kids full term, so sold w/out paper - bucks all sold w/papers as well)

1/27/2014 - 1 doe and 2 bucks - bred to Hobbycroft Captain Picard -  doe and 1 buck died - other buck wethered and sold as pet (temperature was subzero at -17)

2/16/2015 - 1 doe and 3 bucks - bred to Lost Valley C Egypt - registered offspring Hobbycroft E. Honeypot - 1 buck DOA and 1 buck was squashed by older kids (temperature was subzero again) and other buck was wethered and sold

4/27/2016 - 2 does and 2 bucks - bred to Lost Valley LG American Patrol - registered offspring Hobbycroft AG Annabel Lee (freemartin) and Hobbycroft Face of Boe (1 doe and 1 buck DOA)

12/22/2016 - 1 doe and 3 bucks - bred to Flat Rocks Gimli - registered offspring Hobbycroft G Holly Berry (freemartin); Hobbycroft G Triple Crown; 1 buck sold with Triple Crown as companion wether;  1 buck died at 1 day old

3/23/2018 - doe/buck twins  - bred to Flat Rocks Aragorn - registered offspring Hobbycroft A Papa's Girl; Hobbycroft A Gordan Hamlet (sold)

 2019 - Retired

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